Dr. Birx Cautions About False Sense of Security

She also discussed challenges with the supply chain.

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, is cautioning people that the coronavirus danger is not over. “None of us can be lulled into this false sense of security that the disease may go down this summer,” she said during a discussion with the president of the German Marshall Fund.

She said U.S. efforts are being made on pinpointing and containing new outbreaks by using contact tracing and surveillance, efforts being shouldered by city and state agencies.

She said, “Europe needs to be preparing exactly the same way. No country, no matter what approach they have taken, have resulted in enough immunity to protect their population if the virus comes back in the fall.”

Dr. Birx also said the pandemic had been a “wake-up call” to the developed world that it needs to collect the proper resources and make efforts to combat the global pandemic. “Our supply chains were not made for that kind of dramatic surge, and they weren’t anywhere in the world,” she said, adding that she had been shocked at the items the country had run out of.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Dr. Birx and the rest of the task force working presently on an after-incident report on the actions of the government in the pandemic.
  • For the American public to take cessary precautions as they return to work or engage in other reopening activities.
  • For groups and agencies charged with keeping a federal reserve of essential items and maintaining a fluid supply chain.

Sources: CNN, Newsmax, AP


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